Nothing Like Friendship

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3.9/5Overall Score


"A day without a friend is like a pot without a single drop of honey left inside." — Winnie the Pooh To all my friends, thank you for making my days memorable and fun.


In this life of mine,
I had many big quests,
Most were seemed to be fine,
But this one bought within me lot of zest,
They were like my backbone and spine,
They are none other than my FRIENDS,
Including me there are nine,
Who always held my hand when I was distressed,
Happy memories are like old wine,
Sharing sorrow memories rather for it to be repressed,
Hold on to each other with hope of line,
Lean on shoulder to put our mind in ease and in rest,
Our respect for each other as a sun always shined,
Looks like cheesecake but it started off as crest,
FRIENDS Sometimes we can act unruly like a swine,
But you guys are best,
Always together by being entangled with trust of vine,
To have these friends I am blessed.

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