Echoes Of Gratitude by Dr. Arwa Saifi

Echoes Of Gratitude

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Beneath the harvest sky, gratitude blooms,
In the garden of friendship, where joy looms.

On this Thanksgiving, a heartfelt token,
For the Soul Friend whose spirit is unbroken.

Like autumn leaves whisper in the gentle air,
Our camaraderie, a melody beyond compare.

Through the feast of life, in its ebb and flow,
I’m thankful for the friend who helps me grow.

In the canvas of memories, vivid and bright,
You paint the colours of warmth and light.

So here’s to you, my Soul Friend so dear,
Gratitude echoes in the Thanksgiving cheer.

May the warmth of gratitude fill our hearts today,
For the soulful connection that will never fade away.

(This poem is dedicated to my Soul Friend Geetika Pallan whom I lovingly call “Buttercup”)

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