Enroute From Bangalore By Priyanka Bhandarkar

Enroute From Bangalore

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     "Enroute From Bangalore" is a collection of nine poems that creatively explore life's observations. The straightforward language makes them accessible, with varying emotional impacts, while themes range from contemplation to interpretation, offering readers diverse reflections on the journey through India's vibrant city of Bangalore.


How do we spend our lives?
We hope.We despair.We govern.
Like an artist in the pursuit of happiness
Steering away our thoughts from actual to ideal
So radical that cars are a trend from the beginning.
A relation that relates to itself and there is a sickness
Exposing the gap between brilliant and beautiful.

The imbalance established by something else…
Maybe beneath a desire to ride you of the self
A relation that opens possibilities and keeps the spirit
When you feel  despair on the surface of the face
Trying to hide it in the possibilities of life
Bridging the eternal and the famous
Being selfish is the highest virtue understood by man
The presence of car matters more than the cost
And here we are already overplanning the future
The fragile loveliness of the car enriching your being
To own a car is a tremendous privilege and a way of life.
The majority of humans populating the earth are young
With infinite potential the cars marking our existence.

It is placed as what beauty really means and to feel it worthy
Of old age and of youngsters but the triumph of remaining able
A fine advice for purchasing on how we hold ourselves
How chance and choice have converged to meet such demands
A necessity to human life with a particular value of living
The outlook in life is to settle comfortably and drive a car
A long ride across the meadows and beautiful countryside
To be contrasted with a parody of transforming life.
Driving a car is not something what all can endeavor
To spend our whole lives practicing to smoothly ride.

We wish to have strong passions and life so has value
Our desires,our wants and our greediness.
Hardly everyone has  driven new roads
A car is regarded as the frontier of hope.
It is the task of man to liberate from the past
Showing love,friendship, compassion is an art.
And thus planning an escape is eventual
With my car would I like to grow old….?
It is beauty that we owe each other,
Wrong Color,wrong Size or wrong number plate ?
Spreading my delight with a Mercedes Benz
The smell of hard work against the petrichor of rain.

We are not allowed to dirty the features of a car
They tell me all want to buy or ride a car
Afraid of taking the wrong turn I cried
And the car blurs into oblivion in the orbit of my eye
I know exactly who I am as I own a car,
There is no signpost spelling out places
And this is not small love you hear
At home my daddy at work and outside
They tell me it resembles the universe of our being.

I plead for my face,DNA and know that  I asked for this
I know exactly what I want buying an idea of bliss
To shape the quality of life with its presence
No wonder the miser me chuckles in remembrance
At times a mere accessory like the car is a hit,
The car is a triumph of maturity and of significance 
The price we have to pay for being practical
It observes values we fail to realize but respect
With our own peculiar way of being happy
The trait in human character most likely that we feel

Priyanka Bhandarkar
Priyanka Bhandarkar

🎓 Priyanka Bhandarkar has completed her postgraduation from the Karnataka State Open University. She is inspired by the lines of Thomas Edison that there is no substitute for hard work. Her favorite writer is Ruskin Bond. 📚💡

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