The Poetess I Am By Ankita Bhatia

The Poetess I Am

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3.5/5Overall Score

Weaving emotions into words
Through rhymes illustrates the world

In heart, feelings  that raise
I characterize the same with my phrase

Whether a moment of blessing or curse 
Shaping it into a verse

Alphabets drove me to world of imagination
Poetry writing became my creative artwork 
for the time I have in leisure

Be the poems narrative or dramatic
Action or romantic
Poetry writing is the art 
To connect souls and heart

Competitive nature and curiosity to learn
Are the best perks I earn
And The goal of my life
Is Not to become someone’s wife
But to be my parents pride 
By keeping everything aside

So here started journey of poetry writing 
When ideas in mind started residing

18 year old I was
When I dreamt for an applause
For that moment
for an intermediate student 
Scoring best in boards, 
was synonym to reason of getting applauds

Writing helped me improve my vocabulary
Writing introduced me to a different dictionary

Creativity in veins 
With artistry skills, in lyrics, turning your pain
For some source of inspiration 
In the treasure of words some search for motivation

From the experiences that surrounds 
From the jolly moments around
I write because I find
Pen and paper as my friend.

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