Book Review - The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

The Kiss of Deception #1

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4.2/5Overall Score

Book Summary:

Princess Lia escapes her arranged marriage, seeking a quiet life far from royal duties. In her new village, she crosses paths with two mysterious men—one a prince, the other an assassin. As romance blooms and truths unravel, Lia finds herself drawn into a deadly web of deception and fate.

  • Strong protagonist with believable growth
  • Suspenseful mystery around identities
  • Beautiful, immersive writing style
  • Slow pacing in the first half
  • Underdeveloped magical elements
  • Some side characters lack depth

Book Highlights

Author Name Mary E. Pearson
Country United States
Book Type Fiction
Page Count 496
Series The Remnant Chronicles #1
Genre Fantasy, YA, Romance, Adventure
Story Setting A medieval kingdom & remote village
What to Expect Love Triangle, Deception, Self-Discovery, Mystery
Readability Steady-Paced, Descriptive

Book Review

A Promising Start with Hidden Depths

When I first picked up The Kiss of Deception, I was drawn to the premise of a runaway princess caught between two strangers—one who wants to marry her, and one who’s meant to kill her. That alone sounded like a whirlwind of intrigue, romance, and danger. And for the most part, the book delivers on these promises, but not without a few bumps along the way.

The story opens with Princess Lia fleeing her arranged marriage, and immediately, I appreciated how bold and rebellious she was. Lia doesn’t hesitate to leave behind everything she’s ever known, and you can’t help but root for her as she seeks out a life of her own. She runs to a quiet village where she plans to start fresh, but her escape isn’t as simple as it seems. Enter Rafe and Kaden—two handsome strangers, each with their own secrets. One is the prince she was meant to marry, the other, an assassin sent to end her life. And here’s the catch: we don’t know who’s who, and neither does Lia.

Character Development: Lia’s Transformation

Lia is a character who grows throughout the book, though not always in the ways you might expect. She starts off as a headstrong princess, determined to avoid her fate, but as the story progresses, she’s forced to face some hard truths. By the end, she’s no longer the naive girl she was at the beginning. While I found her journey compelling, I also wished for more depth in some of her decisions. There were moments when her internal conflicts seemed glossed over, especially when it came to her growing feelings for Rafe and Kaden.

Speaking of the love triangle—yes, it’s there, but it didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. The author keeps the romance low-key, and what’s more interesting is how it plays into the larger themes of trust and deception. Lia is caught between these two men, but the book smartly avoids falling into cliché. Instead, the tension stems more from the mystery of their identities than from any love triangle drama, which I appreciated.

Writing Style and Pacing

One of the standout aspects of the book is Mary E. Pearson’s writing. Her prose is lyrical without being overly flowery, creating an immersive world that feels vivid and alive. I particularly enjoyed how she switches between the perspectives of Lia, Rafe, and Kaden, giving the reader insights into each character’s motives while keeping the central mystery alive. That said, the pacing can be slow at times—especially in the first half of the book. It takes a while for the action to pick up, and some readers might find themselves impatient with the more reflective moments.

Underdeveloped Magic and World-Building

While the character dynamics are strong, the world-building left me wanting more. There’s mention of ancient gifts and a magical heritage, but these elements are barely explored in this first book. I kept waiting for more detail on the history and magic system, but much of it was left vague. Hopefully, the sequels will delve deeper into these aspects because they hold a lot of potential.

Final Thoughts: A Tale of Deception and Discovery

The Kiss of Deception is an enjoyable read, especially if you’re a fan of slow-burn fantasy with a touch of romance. While the pacing drags in parts and the magic system feels underdeveloped, the character development and suspenseful plot twists more than make up for it. The way Pearson keeps the reader guessing about the true identities of Rafe and Kaden is skillfully done, and by the end of the book, you’ll be hooked, ready to dive into the next chapter of Lia’s story.

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Goodreads Choice Award: Nominee for Best Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction (2014)

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