Book Review - Divine Rivals by Rebecca Ross

Divine Rivals #1

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4.3/5Overall Score

Book Summary:

In Divine Rivals, two young rival journalists, Iris and Roman, become unlikely correspondents through enchanted letters amidst a war waged between gods. As their connection deepens, they’re drawn into the frontlines of both love and battle, each fighting for survival, family, and a future where love triumphs over despair.

  • Poetic, immersive prose that lingers
  • Emotional and tender romance built through letters
  • Relatable, strong-willed protagonists
  • World-building feels shallow at times
  • Rivalry between leads is underdeveloped
  • Pacing can be uneven in the middle sections

Book Highlights

Author Name Rebecca Ross
Country United States
Book Type Fiction
Page Count 368
Series Letters of Enchantment #1
Genre Romance, YA, Fantasy, Historical Fiction
Story Setting War-Torn World
What to Expect Enemies-To-Lovers, Magical Realism, Enchanted Letters, Wartime Intrigue
Readability Slow-Burn, Descriptive, Immersive

Book Review

Love Letters, Rivalries, and Gods: A Magical Blend

At its core, Divine Rivals is a spellbinding tale of love, loss, and resilience in a world on the brink of destruction. Set against the backdrop of a war between two warring gods, Rebecca Ross crafts an emotionally charged story where the personal and the mythical collide. Iris Winnow, an ambitious young journalist, writes letters to her brother at the frontlines, only to have those letters mysteriously delivered to her rival, Roman Kitt. The two connect through their correspondence, not realizing who the other is, and this exchange becomes the heart of the book. Their relationship evolves from rivals to something much more profound as they navigate the terrors of war, personal grief, and their deepening bond.

The story follows Iris as she seeks to reunite with her brother while struggling to keep her family afloat. Roman, meanwhile, is the privileged but emotionally isolated boy who finds solace and strength in Iris’s words. Their letters, filled with vulnerability, longing, and a touch of magic, provide both characters a rare escape from the world’s harshness, creating a romance that feels tender, genuine, and beautifully slow-burn.

Characters That Capture Your Heart

Iris is an immensely relatable protagonist. Her journey is steeped in grief, ambition, and the quiet resilience of someone who has lost too much but refuses to give up. She’s not just fighting for her family—her missing brother and her mother, who struggles with addiction—but for a sense of hope in a war-torn world. Iris’s determination and compassion make her a character that is both easy to root for and heartbreaking to watch as she struggles with abandonment and self-worth.

Roman, on the other hand, is a study in contrasts. He comes from privilege but seeks his own path, far removed from the expectations of his powerful family. His evolution from aloof rival to devoted confidante is compelling. Roman’s unwavering dedication to Iris—both as her mysterious pen pal and later, in the flesh—is enough to make any reader swoon. His selflessness, whether waiting for Iris to lock her door for safety or crawling through the mud, wounded, to reach her, reveals a depth that goes far beyond his initial arrogant facade.

A War-Torn World Brought to Life

Ross’s world-building in Divine Rivals is atmospheric, though at times lacking in depth. The war between the gods Enva and Dacre feels more like a backdrop to the personal dramas unfolding between the characters than a fully fleshed-out fantasy conflict. The gods themselves remain somewhat enigmatic, and while the war is ever-present, its mechanics—why humans are fighting for deities—remain murky. There’s a sense of historical fiction woven into the fabric of the story, with its World War I-esque setting, yet magic also pulses quietly through the narrative, adding a fantastical layer that feels almost secondary to the emotional weight of the romance.

That said, the lack of extensive world-building doesn’t detract from the story’s core, which is ultimately about connection, loss, and hope. Ross excels in creating a tangible sense of place—whether it’s the blood-soaked battlefields or the small moments of quiet in a newspaper office—and the descriptions of Iris’s letters, with their raw honesty and intimacy, anchor the entire novel.

The Power of Words and Love

If there’s one thing that shines brightest in Divine Rivals, it’s the lyrical beauty of Ross’s writing. Her prose is filled with emotion, making each letter between Iris and Roman feel like a carefully crafted poem. The romance, built through these letters, is the emotional heart of the book. There’s something undeniably tender about two people who find solace in words, particularly when those words help them face the devastation around them.

However, there are moments where the pacing feels uneven. While the initial chapters are brisk, with short chapters that build anticipation, the middle of the book can feel slower. The rivalry between Iris and Roman, which promises tension, is resolved rather quickly, leaving some readers craving a bit more of that enemies-to-lovers bite before the inevitable romance blooms.

Final Thoughts: A Beautifully Heartfelt Tale

In Divine Rivals, Rebecca Ross weaves a tale of love that is as enchanting as it is heartbreaking. While the fantasy world-building might leave some readers wishing for more depth, the emotional journey of the characters and the stunning prose more than make up for it. For those who love slow-burn romances, magical realism, and stories where words carry more power than swords, Divine Rivals is a book that will stay with you long after the final page.

For fans of lyrical, character-driven fantasy, Divine Rivals is a must-read. Just be prepared to lose yourself in the world of Iris and Roman, where love and letters hold the power to reshape destiny.

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Goodreads Choice Award: Winner for Best Young Adult Fantasy & Science Fiction (2023)

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