Kafka on the Shore - Book Review

Kafka On The Shore – Book Review

This book is magical realism with many factors to it! An engaging page turner.
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4.5/5Overall Score

Book Summary:


This book is magical realism with many factors to it! An engaging page turner.

Book Details

Author Kaaviya Sathya Narayanan, Profile Photo
Kaaviya Sathya Narayanan
Country Japan
Pages 504

Fiction, Literary Fiction

Story Setting:


What To Expect:

Magical realism, fiction

Book Review

A story between imagination, reality and dreams.

My first introduction to works of the famous Haruki Murakami.

Kafka Tamura, 15 yr old boy. Despising his father’s curses leaves his home. Tokyo to Takamatsu.

Satoru Nakata, an old man. Illiterate. Has the ability to converse with cats. Helps in finding lost cats.

The life of these two completely unrelated characters alternate in the chapters. Then at a point their stories unite. 

A sudden fainting of a children’s class group.. talking cats.. rain of leeches and fishes.. a flute made of cat’s souls.. an entrance to the afterlife.. strange humans.. the story is filled with many such intriguing stuffs and fast paced story line.

Some incidents might seem like unwanted add-ons but thinking it’s per our hero’s curse we move on.

The Oedipal curse found in the Greek mythology plays an important role here.

The Kafka on the shore is definitely a page turner and engaging read! But its not a book for all

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