Haunts Of Late Nights By Karthika Sankar Pb

Haunts Of Late Nights

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3.3/5Overall Score

I Closed My Eyes
Turned Off the Lights
But Still a Flash Of Thoughts Haunted Me
The Clock was Ticking, Time was Passing.
I Felt Lost, Million Miles Away.
I Tried to Run, But There wasn’t Any Way.
But Oh! My Mind was Tangled by Jungly
Creepers All Way.
In a Thick Forest, I Fell in its Trap,
Where’s The Entrance I Have No Map.
Every Time My Mind Evolved In Different Philosophies.
But I was Not a Perfectionist to Give Any Conclusions.
All I Did was Dwell in My Illusions.
I Closed My Eyes,
But Oh!
I Couldn’t Control My Thoughts.
My Mind was Faster Than Almost Everything.
Dear Sleep, Where are You?
Why It’s Taking So Long?
Have You Missed the Time Or
Are You Lost In the Darkness?
Or Haunted by Mind’s Deepest Thoughts.
No! The Ghosts Don’t Haunt Me
I Am Haunted by Late Nights.

Dear Sleep!
Please Don’t Leave Me Alone In Midnights.
Please Don’t Wait Till Late-Nights.
Dear Heart, Don’t Rush Too Wild.
Dear Lungs Don’t Breathe Too Hard.

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