Bluemoon's Brews By Aurora Bluemoon - Ivan Stories

Bluemoon’s Brews

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Mirror, Mirror on the wall,
Tell me,
How to respond to the galactic call?

I know I am not alone,
But, I do believe
In the parallel world, I have a clone.

Many scientists whelm,
Yet I am chosen
To touch the forbidden realm.

It wants me to accompany,
Sure I dare
I won’t bump into any ceremony.

I am a loser by reports,
I quoted. Yet,
It waited for me in the port.

I dodged into the fantasy,
It cruised me,
On the waves of the galaxy.

I had a delusional walk,
Alike, in my dreams,
It changed my worldly clock.

I rooted my foot,
In the path sternly,
With a tremble in my heart.

My smoky eyes troll
In a vicious circle,
Finding familiarity from the scroll.

The universe is programmed,
My brain echoed, 
Everything is drafted, goddamned.

My mind is blown,
When I found myself,
Lost in the unknown.

My aorta pumping
More blood to heart,
It smiled at me with a thumping.

I can never return
To the world,
Where I was a cistern.

I can’t change any history,
Oh, it called
Wrong person to solve its mystery.

‘IT’ is a cosmic voice,
It Called me.
Endowing I am a novice.

The call perhaps from Lucifer 
To decode its puzzles,
The language only I can decipher

Aurora Bluemoon
Aurora Bluemoon

Aurora Bluemoon is her pen name. She is an entrepreneur and an innovative writer with a master’s degree in English literature. She is a founder, and editor-in-chief of the quarterly Tamil literary magazine, e-Chuvadi.
She has co-authored 25 anthologies, authored 4 e-novels, and had 3 books published on Amazon. She is a poet, short fiction writer, book reviewer, and fantasy author and earned many accolades along with winner titles for her poems.
One of her books, A Journey to Octavian Helixes earned the Best Fictional Author award thrice. Her other book, Dine With Stranger was exhibited at Sharjah Animation Conference 2023. She received the Inspirational Writer by The Mommaclan. Modern Literary Star Award, the Gifted Literary Star Award from the Cherry Book Awards, and Amritam Pritam Memorial Award from Unicorn Magazine.
Instagram Id: @aurora.bluemoon

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