A Lifespan from A To Z - Jenisha Rajakumar

A Lifespan from A To Z

  • Creativity and Originality
  • Poetic Style and Language
  • Emotional Impact
  • Theme and Message
  • Readers Appreciation
3.6/5Overall Score

A great many events can occur,
But only a few moments can stay forever,
Cannot be forgotten ever,
Dear to the heart forever.

Enjoy the lifetime journey in sadness and happiness.
Face the world with courage and confidence.
Gather strength from smiles and tears.

Hurdles may arise, but still, fight for what you love.
In life’s journey, do whatever makes you happy.
Join hands with those who lift you high.
Knowing yourself, reach for the skies.

Life is full of challenges,
Make every challenge’s achievement,
Never ever give up.

Onward, travel through life’s twist and turn unafraid,
Face every challenge with undismayed,
Have a quest for something unknown,
Reach for dreams that have yet to be sown.

Special memories, engraved in heart and mind.
Tender moments, remembered and cherished.
Unspoken secrets, hidden and buried.
Vivid emotions, untold and unforgettable.

With each sunrise, a new chapter arises.
Xenial rays of hope, build life bridges.
Yearning for a future, that’s for sure,
Zealously carving the dream destiny.

Jenisha Rajakumar
Jenisha Rajakumar

📝✨ Every Writing Expresses Something Untold & Leaves Everything Unexpressed! 🌌🔮


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